Nathan Hruby wrote [edited]:
> We have a project whereby we'd like to stand up a number of small
> virtual machines that are geographically distributed around the globe.
>  On these we would like to run some small, simple, custom monitoring
> At this point, we might be willing to engage a number of smaller
> regional providers to get the best deal

A useful resource I've used in the past is the forums at webhostingtalk.
Specifically for your case, check the "VPS Hosting Offers" at
where you can see offers from small shops, and some international
(e.g. server with 512MB RAM @10 EUR/mo in NL).

Goes without saying, beware of support issues -- it might be
useful to check the other forums for reviews.
But for simple stuff like some cases ("just give me a root ssh,
dirt cheap, if company busts, I'll set it up elsewhere"),
it's great!

-- zvr --
--  +---------------------------+       Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
    | H eytyxia den exei enoxes |
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