On Sep 24, 2010, at 10:47 PM, Doug Hughes wrote:

> RAID-5/6 are bad at IOPS. You get the equivalent IOPS of one disk 
> (because all disks have to ask in synchronicity. But, for throughput, 
> they are just fine. As long as you're writing more than (and preferably 
> in multiples of) the stripe width, there's no penalty with a modern 
> processor. zoom zoom for large sequential throughput.

Actually, everything depends on the underlying implementation and how much 
logic is layered on top of the physical configuration, and how much that logic 
isolates or exposes you to the quirks of the underlying technology.

I can tell you that the Linux NFS server has historically had quite a few 
issues with performance and reliability, even when used with other Linux 
clients (and no cross-platform issues to be concerned with), and when used with 
settings that are "optimal" for that particular pattern of data access.

Solutions to this particular problem space are going to depend on what options 
are available.  Can you do a forklift upgrade of the Linux NFS server for 
something that actually does reasonably well in that job, either another piece 
of relatively generic hardware running a relatively general-purpose OS like 
Solaris or FreeBSD?  Is replacing the Linux NFS server with an appliance (e.g., 
NetApp) an option?

If the only option is what mount options you have to play with, then you may be 
able to get a certain way down the road, but you're going to reach that 
dead-end pretty quickly and you're not likely to be able to go past that point 
without looking at some significantly more expensive options.

Brad Knowles <b...@shub-internet.org>
LinkedIn Profile: <http://tinyurl.com/y8kpxu>

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