I should say that our performance bottleneck is latency. 200ms to
Singapore means that even simple file transfers (with bad protocols
like CIFS and HTTP) take longer than expected. (And isn't expectation
the key measure of performance with COs?)

I'm not really clear on how a "cloud" service would overcome that
bottleneck. Or how that would be any better than keeping a "mirror" of
the database and application in each of our datacenters. (I imagine
keeping a database synchronized with that kind of latency would be
painful, if it was my datacenter or Amazon's or a VPS.)

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Atom Powers <atom.pow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One of the COs in my company keeps asking "why don't we put it all in
> the cloud"? I'm running out of good answers.
> Situation:
> We have four locations (US-West, Singapore, Korea, Spain) and two
> datacenters (US-West, Singapore). We have a database-driven
> application (Content Management System) that is mission-critical to
> all locations and all potential customers all over the world.
> Currently that entire system (MySQL database and Apache web servers)
> are all located in the US; performance in Asia and Spain is dismal.
> My boss, having no idea what "the cloud" actually is, wants to move
> the entire system into "the cloud". After some investigation, we have
> determine that some aspects of the system can be hosted on Amazon AWS
> or similar. But we have big doubts about database performance, big
> doubts.
> Question:
> What are your experiences with cloud-based (or cloud-capable) content
> management systems?
> What options are there for putting a database-driven application in "the 
> cloud"?
> --
> Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
> --Atom Powers--

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--
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