Ok, a few basic questions.  

What's the workload?  What portion of the db access is read vs  write? What 
portions of write traffic is US west vs other locations?

You also mentioned file access time - could you describe that problem a bit 

Basically, if you've got a reasonably normal CMS, much of the traffic is read.  
You've already got asiapac datacenter space,  so some replication techniques 
may be able to get big wins.  Mysql slaves, prepositioning files via sync or 
CDN, some global load balancing tricks...

Cloud won't help- you've already got 2 sites, and aren't utilizing them. 

You'll need to look at these techs with the cloud, you might as well start 


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On Oct 7, 2010, at 5:52 PM, Atom Powers <atom.pow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One of the COs in my company keeps asking "why don't we put it all in
> the cloud"? I'm running out of good answers.
> Situation:
> We have four locations (US-West, Singapore, Korea, Spain) and two
> datacenters (US-West, Singapore). We have a database-driven
> application (Content Management System) that is mission-critical to
> all locations and all potential customers all over the world.
> Currently that entire system (MySQL database and Apache web servers)
> are all located in the US; performance in Asia and Spain is dismal.
> My boss, having no idea what "the cloud" actually is, wants to move
> the entire system into "the cloud". After some investigation, we have
> determine that some aspects of the system can be hosted on Amazon AWS
> or similar. But we have big doubts about database performance, big
> doubts.
> Question:
> What are your experiences with cloud-based (or cloud-capable) content
> management systems?
> What options are there for putting a database-driven application in "the 
> cloud"?
> -- 
> Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
> --Atom Powers--
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