On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 6:26 PM, Atom Powers <atom.pow...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> You also mentioned file access time - could you describe that problem a bit 
>> more?
> Files are primarily served though either CIFS (samba) or HTTP (Web
> CMS) and files can be very large, up to 1GB. Rough estimates show that
> a 200ms latency increases the download time by up to 20%,
> proportionally larger for smaller files.

"CIFS" makes me think many of these things are internal facing apps?

Have you looked at putting WAN accelerators on the links in-between
sites?  At $lastjob we used Steelheads to turn cruddy t-1's in the
middle of nowhere into respectable links and for ds3's between major
sites they turned CIFS traffic into nearly-next-door.  Short of that,
tuning/fixing  MTU's, pMTUd, and VPN settings to cope with latency /
be more optimal and dealing with bandwidth hogs always tend to help.
For me, cloudifying existing entrenched enterprise level apps isn't my
idea of fun.  So, I'd ensure that the entire network path between $far
and $near is as optimal as possible before doing major surgery to the
application stack.

After that I'd start looking for slack in the edges of the apps that
can be solved with CDN-like or proxy like  infrastructure at sites to
reduce calls across the long links.  It may be that the  20k of html
gets to the client very quickly, but the 75k of images in 4k chunks
take forever to load.  (Note, some WAN accelerators will do this sort
of thing for you too).

Another way to solve this kind of issue for people in really, really
far flung places is with Citrix/RDP/VNC/NoMachine to let the user
remote in to a machine closer to the data.  These kinds of services
stream and compress pretty well and for the office of users 6k miles
away who need to importantly run some critical reports once a
reporting period, they can be a perfect fit.

nathan hruby <nhr...@gmail.com>
metaphysically wrinkle-free
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