On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 10:11 PM, Benny Lofgren <bl-li...@lofgren.biz> wrote:
> + Makes it 64-bit capable on 64-bit architectures by changing relevant int:s
> to long:s. I often use expr as a quick calculator for example when
> partitioning disks and such, and frequently find myself up against the 32
> bit signed integer limits.

I consider this a substantial regression actually.  There's no reason
for it to be machine dependent like this.  Fortunately, the fix should
be easy.  Use int64_t everywhere and then everybody wins.

The other changes seem useful, though others may care more about the
posixness of it all.  It'd be best to split this into the three
different parts and submit as separate patches so we can discuss them

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