On 07/15/12 16:53, Paul Irofti wrote:
Unfortunately, I have no clue where to go from there. I'd like to
connect to vodafone in Germany via UMTS, but I didn't find a
/etc/ppp/peers/ and a corresponding chat script configuration in the
archives which works for me.

Is anybody else using a similar setup?

I tried the same with Vodafone RO for quite a few months two years ago.
Bottom line is it doesn't work.

I had the same problems two years ago. Tried to make the config work
with Vodafone RO and failed miserably. I can firmly say that those were
two months that I lost in vain.

What I would recommand is to stop wasting time now and only use that
modem on Windows with the applications provided by Vodafone.

thanks for crushing my hope ;)

I would be fine with ANY 3G or 4G mobile ISP in Germany which works via umsm(4) on OpenBSD. Is there one?

Best Regards

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