
On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 08:26:56PM +0300, Henri Kemppainen wrote:
> Here's a diff that does just that.  If ws receives more than one
> delta along an axis, it will not sum these; each will go in a separate
> event.  But if it gets an X delta followed by an Y delta (or vice versa),
> these will be combined into a single event.

I have also been experiencing these jagged staircase lines on my x230t.
FWIW here are the outcomes of my experiments:

Prior to applying your diff (the most recent one):
Touchpad: smooth lines.
Nipple:   jagged lines.
Pen:      jagged lines.

After applying your diff:
Touchpad: smooth lines.
Nipple:   smooth lines.
Pen:      jagged lines.

I wonder if it is because the pen is an absolute pointing device.  You
probably need extra magic in the WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE_* cases.

Best Regards
Edd Barrett


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