On 13-11-04 05:09 PM, Claudio Jeker wrote:
On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 10:36:39AM -0600, Adam Thompson wrote:
The change I think we're both asking for is that in
.../usr/sbin/bgpd/kroute.c, on line 505 (5.4-RELEASE), where we see
"kr->r.priority = RTP_BGP;",  we need a way to override that value
in (presumably) bgpd.conf.  (Ditto for the IPv6 function.)
Yes, this is the way to go. One thing to consider in some way is what you
want to do if somebody changes the prio and the reloads the config.
Or, in bgpd.conf(8) note under "fib-priority" that "Changes to fib-priority will only take effect when bgpd(8) is restarted." Yeah, not ideal, but better than nothing.
ldpd is a special beast and does not need to be changed but the other
should be. (routed is dead, ripd ospfd and ospf6d all use a similar
kroute.c file that also is used by bgpd so once one is done the others
should be easier). ldpd does not insert new routes it only extends them
with the MPLS info.
Yes, it's unfortunate that routed(8) got removed from base. RIPv2 is a perfectly workable routing protocol in many situations. Wow, I didn't realize it's been missing since 4.4-release!
Please someone not as overworked as me should just add the knobs to the
routing deamons to allow setting a different prio. For example just a
        fib-priority 45
would work.
I can do doc changes, but I think you really, *really* don't want me writing much C code... I can perhaps do some of the initial, trivial, legwork, at best. Now, if bgpd(8) were written in Bourne/Korn shell, I'd be the guy to do this!

-Adam Thompson

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