On Wednesday 01 April 2015, frantisek holop wrote:
> Theo de Raadt, 30 Mar 2015 18:09:
> > >IIRC 'bioctl -d' cannot deal with DUID's.
> > >not a showstopper, just sayin'
> >
> > Sounds like you might use this.  Want to trial a diff that adds
> > support?  If it is wrong, don't worry, someone will hate your bad
> > diff, and do it right.  (That is pretty much the history of DUID
> > support in the tools)
> yes, i'd like to use it :)  i have numerous softraid
> encrypted usb dongles that i'd like to mount/unmount
> using DUID's.
> i started looking into this when i first reported it:
> http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=138198909623938&w=2
> but it was not the one liner i hoped for :)
> i'll try to revisit.
> -f

FWIW this is now fixed in r1.351 of src/sys/dev/softraid.c.

    "Action without study is fatal. Study without action is futile."
        -- Mary Ritter Beard

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