On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 5:45 PM, Theo de Raadt <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote:

> DUID support was written so that we could solve a problem, without
> a question.  This is a mop-up operation.  The question being posed
> is not "shall we leave the non-DUID question", but "what DUID support
> gaps still remain, so that we can finish those".

The only thing I'd like to have is a command or easy way
to convert a duid to a /dev/sd0a name to use current - or future -
utilities that don't support DUID like badblocks from e2fsprogs
in ports...

I know it can be done via the C api (opendev(3)?), and using a program
to get the name first is subject to some races...

$ badblocks `duid2dev 9d45a80cb6151768.c`

but obviously this has nothing to do with the options
in the installer...

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