Noth [] wrote:
> Hi again,
>   I think I've found a bug: if I have a console session open using minicom
> or cu when rebooting, the machine hangs. This doesn't happen with either
> CentOS Linux 7 or FreeBSD 10.2 / 11. I can reproduce the problem. Anyone
> else have this issue ?

The boot loader output is emulated video output until it switches to com0.
Once it reads 'stty com0 115200; set tty com0' from /etc/boot.conf, it 
switches from video output to serial output.

During the switch, some contents comes out of the boot loader that is at
the wrong baud rate (or something similar). This causes some high characters
to come out, which your terminal emulator might interpret as a terminal command
and it could even send a short reply back. If it does, this reply stops the
auto-boot process and you sit at boot> indefinitely.

The solution is to not leave a terminal emulator connected during the boot
(or fix the boot loader to not output high characters)

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