On 2018/09/04 15:27, Solene Rapenne wrote:
> Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> > On 2018/09/04 14:22, Solene Rapenne wrote:
> > > About munin I'm trying to get a diff accepted upstream to fix cpu plugin 
> > > and
> > > talk about this with kirby@. The cpu plugin uses sysctl kern.cp_time. 
> > > While
> > > it's not related, I prefer to announce it here so people don't waste time
> > > fixing it again by looking at the thread :)
> >
> > Ah nice. When I worked on the initial munin port with mk I had intended
> > to try to get upstream to take the openbsd plugins separately (rather
> > than the current "copy similar OS and patch" approach), but I got fed up
> > with rrdtool performance on OpenBSD and stopped using munin before I got
> > round to it.. (and then I started using librenms and got fed up with
> > rrdtool performance once again ;)
> Using rrdcached the performances are really good. But that certainly depend on
> the number of systems. It may not scale well with more than 50 systems, this 
> is
> also highly dependent on the number of plugins on each systems (as 1 value = 1
> rrd file).

Not sure if I tried rrdcached with munin but I am using it with librenms
and it's not really good here. In 9 days uptime, I have ~32h of cpu time
from rrdcached, and lots of spin while the threads are actively processing.
(Yes there are lots of RRDs ;)

159 threads: 2 running, 153 idle, 4 on processor                                
                     up 9 days, 14:40
CPU0 states: 44.2% user,  0.0% nice, 24.5% sys, 31.3% spin,  0.0% intr,  0.0% 
CPU1 states: 45.2% user,  0.0% nice, 25.5% sys, 29.3% spin,  0.0% intr,  0.0% 
CPU2 states: 49.4% user,  0.0% nice, 24.1% sys, 26.5% spin,  0.0% intr,  0.0% 
CPU3 states: 49.0% user,  0.0% nice, 20.1% sys, 30.9% spin,  0.0% intr,  0.0% 
Memory: Real: 1847M/5197M act/tot Free: 2722M Cache: 2836M Swap: 0K/4098M

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