On Tue, 2023-10-17 at 16:22 -0600, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> What will come of this discussion of opinions?

If it's doable and the code quality is acceptable, I see 2 outcomes:
1. I could start looking for sponsorship, as I feel like my level of
expertise is too limited to chew it myself
2. perhaps with a right guidance I could try to bite it myself (not so
sure about it, but keen on finding out).

I'm trying to contact the author atm to discuss his position and his
plans regarding the code so see if there is any alignment.

Week ago, he added a disclaimer in the readme that he plans shift his
focus when FreeBSD write support is stabilized. If there is a limited
window of opportunity, I thought it's worth looking at it while there
is active interest.

TBH, I don't know what would it take. The patch looks minimal, but I
suspect it's just tip of the iceberg and I lack the knowledge to
estimate how big the underwater part is. Especially the cost of
maintenance. Therefore, I decided to reach out to tech, kindly asking
about devs opinion or technical expertise on that matter.

If such effort is not aligned with OpenBSD plans, I'll stop here.


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