Er, yeah, I'm fully aware of that. That example isn't real-world usage, 
it's just an illustration of the problem at the simplest level.

The point is that a TT2 coder shouldn't have to write at the level of a 
hardcore Perl "use strict use warnings" coder to avoid these warnings. 
And that's ignoring the point that the functionality of TT2 has changed 
somewhere between 2.14 and 2.19 because of (I suspect) the introduction 
of "use warnings" in the various modules.

It's not just the annoyance of logs filling up, I'm actually finding 
apache (2.2.9) will crash when a warning like this appears repetitively 
in a tight loop. An apache bug for sure, but my natural reaction is to 
try to solve the warnings rather than the fault that results from the 


Bill Ward wrote:
> Well, it's not numeric, is it?
> On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 6:13 AM, Travis Basevi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     I've just upgraded from TT 2.14 to 2.19 as part of a debian upgrade from
>      etch to lenny, and I can't stop warnings appearing in the apache logs
>     with something as simple as:
>     [% 1 + "" %]
>     giving: Argument "" isn't numeric in addition (+) at ...
>     This never happened in v2.14, is it to be expected now? Or is there now
>     an option for turning off these warnings?
>     Thanks for any help,
>     :Travis
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