Did you run the install script after doing the installation? That writes the 
info needed for Apache. Be sure to run the correct script (e.g., client or 
server, and the one for the OS).

The TS conf file ends up located in etc/apache2/others, I believe. The mod file 
stays at the root of your server application.

Httpd.conf points to the others folder for third party modules

Also, check out the Console. Search on Apache and you might get some insight 
there if you're still having issues.

Sent from my iPad Air �� ����

> On Feb 12, 2016, at 2:51 AM, Naveen Iyer <naveen.i...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi Wayne,
> There should be some types available, similar to mod_witango55_apache2.so / 
> mod_witango55_apache22.so.
> Above is available for version 5.5, so google away and you should find 
> something similar, I hope.
> Regards,
> Naveen.
> +919791053598
> Sent from my Lumia.
> From: Wayne Irvine
> Sent: ‎12-‎02-‎2016 12:16
> To: TeraScript-Talk@terascript.com
> Subject: TeraScript-Talk: Invoking Terascript
> I am upgrading my webserver from OSX Server Lion (10.7.5) to OSX Server 
> Yosemite (10.10.5).
> I’ve got through most of the process and have Apache running and serving 
> sites and Terascriptd running in the background, but I’m not sure how to get 
> .taf files to get Apache to invoke Terascript and process them.
> I tried the ‘Install TeraScript’ script and it seemed to complete 
> successfully but no go. I’ve looked in Apache2/mime.types but there is no 
> mention of taf, terascript or witango there. Same with http.conf.
> Any clues as to how Apache needs to know .taf files are processed by 
> Terascript?
> Wayne Irvine
> Byteserve Pty Ltd
> w: http://www.byteserve.com.au/
> e: i...@byteserve.com.au
> p: +61 02 9960 6099
> m: 0409 960 609
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