I am a Hindu, but not converged to a particular God!


The thing that made me so sensitive about that email Images were as follows:

1- Whenever a person is dead in India and he/she is being taken to last
cremention ground on the way, whenever or whoever looks that 'yatra' always
remember his God, he believes into

2- When you are looking at the headstone-images that is of someone dead (no
longer alive) you have to pay respect and I pay it by remembering my God
plus simply forwarding all of my help to Jon

3- Last, I am currently working on background removal from medical scans in
DICOM images, so it was technically related!


I hope that answers your questions. If not, let us discuss this offline
otherwise we can be painted as an OT J


Best Regards,




From: tesseract-ocr@googlegroups.com [mailto:tesseract-ocr@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Kip Hughes
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 10:00
To: tesseract-ocr@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Image pre-processing for good OCR results


Hi Vicky,

I have an interest in theology and just wanted to know which of the god(s)
are you "god fearing" of? In my experience, the phrase "god fearing" has
been used predominantly by Christians. I checked your LinkedIn profile and
confirmed you are from India.

Less than 3% of Indians are Christians -- so, based on this statistic, I
would guess you are not a Christian. Over 80% of Indians are Hindus -- and
if I had to make a guess about any Indian's religion, I would go with that
one. Are you a Hindu? Hinduism a polytheistic religion, isn't it? Why would
you only be a "God fearing person" versus "gods fearing person?"

Finally, is there some significance that headstones have in your religion
(whatever it may be) that made you unable to ignore Jon's email?

Hope you don't mind the questions. They are really just due to my interest
in world religions and world views.


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Vicky Budhiraja <vicky.vi...@gmail.com>

Hi Jon,


Like each morning, I check my emails and I saw those headstones Images from
Graves. I am a God fearing person. So, I was not able to ignore your email.


Regarding the preprocessing step, I suggest to apply Local Minima method for
background removal. However, you might require to adjust your window size in
order to achieve the best results. I did some experiments with the MATLAB
code, and I got some good results. Testing on a larger sample set, may
improve the step.


Please tell me what project you are working on, maybe I will be able to
contribute better? Just lemme know if you need any type of help!


Best Regards,





From: tesseract-ocr@googlegroups.com [mailto:tesseract-ocr@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Jon Andersen
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 07:32
To: tesseract-ocr@googlegroups.com
Subject: Image pre-processing for good OCR results




My project at http://RecordAGrave.com is about recording headstones from
graves and posting the text and images on the Net so that people can
research their family history.  I would appreciate some advice on how to
pre-process these headstone images to get the best results from Tesseract
OCR.  I have thousands of 1-2 MB jpg images of headstones to process.


Example images:




I am a software developer so I can script up pre-processing steps to prepare
the input for Tesseract.


Any advice on improving OCR accuracy through pre-processing steps?


Thanks so much,



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