On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 7:39 PM, 79yrsold <withblessi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It may kindly be clarified whether exe(debug or release version) files
> will also be uploaded along with  proposed some alpha version for
> testing and feedback by the users(non-programmer/developer) since the
> new procedure is bit little confusion when compared to
> existing(previous) smooth procedure of generating the exe files using
> VS2008 .
> Alternatively users/newbies will  have to wait till all exe files of
> proposed alpha version are available/uploaded for testing and
> feedback.
> On Feb 27, 2:41 am, Tom Powers <tomp2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Looks good! You've indeed made the "Visual Studio 2008 Developer Notes
>> for Tesseract-OCR" available directly [1]. There is no need to
>> download the SVN to view them, and other people can create links to
>> these pages (like from the Wiki) :)
>> At this point I don't anticipate any more changes to the VS2008
>> directory other than to VS2008\doc, VS2008\APITest, and
>> VS2008\APIExamples. I was progressing pretty well, but my C++-fu has
>> never been very great --- I'm more comfortable in Python, C, C# --- so
>> I started to investigate the "right" way to use C++. And then... I
>> discovered that the C++11 standard has just been ratified [2] and
>> compilers (including Visual C++ [3][4]) are already starting to
>> include some of its features.
>> Therefore, in order to get this done soon (this week say) it looks
>> like I should just forge ahead, however clumsily (and not bother
>> reading More Effective C++ by Meyers). While my examples should show
>> how to use most of TessBaseAPI, they won't necessarily be great
>> examples of C++ use --- more like using C with a C++ compiler :)
>>    [Aside: Does anyone know of an easy way to add Doxygen "documentation
>>    comments" to functions/methods using Visual Studio 2008?
>>    AtomineerUtils [5] looks nice but while cheap it's not free.]
>> [1]http://tesseract-ocr.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/vs2008/doc/index.html
>> [2]http://www2.research.att.com/~bs/C++0xFAQ.html
>> [3]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd465215.aspx
>> [4]http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh409293(v=vs.110).aspx
>> [5]http://www.atomineerutils.com/products.php
>>     -- Tom

Hmmm. The new vs2008 Solution should be *almost* as easy to build as
the previous one and more capable (and has cleaned up the strangeness
that was noted in one of my original posts on the 3.01 release). The
only real difference now is that you have to separately download the
leptonica 1.68 include & lib directories file.

Maybe in trying to write more detailed instructions, I inadvertently
made it look more complicated. Maybe I need to add a quickstart

I even added a section on using TortoiseSVN explaining how to get the
latest sources from the SVN repository [1] just for you  (and because
I had just figured out myself how to do it). :)

    -- Tom


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