On Wed, 4 Sep 2002 10:47:14 -0700
Aaron Bannert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 04, 2002 at 10:29:54AM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> > I think we actually tagged "1.0" when we were doing the OSCON
> > presentation, but we never released it.
> Yeah, we already tagged FLOOD_1_0, so let's put up what we have.
> The install targets would be nice, but we already tagged 1.0. :)
> Besides, we don't need install targets for 1.0, it's just a number.

So... here's my proposal for 1.0 timeline.

- fix install target so we can install flood amd examples off $SRCDIR
- fix few more bugs from STATUS (I'm on it)
- move tag on changed files and roll tarball

Personally I consider lack of install target as a showstopper. It just
simply doesn't feel right to move binaries by hand when you are 1.0. And
since this looks like a trival fix, why not go for it? :)

Jacek Prucia
7bulls.com S.A.

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