I had a couple of inputs here : I was talking to our specweb person, and he
had the following views :

1. most modern day os'es cache the files, and not do a disk io for every
single file request. (duh !!.)
2. when doing writes, do a 64M block writes, instead of write to disk every
time.. (Lazy write)
3. caching the fd's would be more than sufficient (than caching the
4. on hp-ux, eliminating the stat/fstat would not make a lot of difference..
I dont know about other os'es - but, based on his logic, since the fd for
that file is already available, fstat should not take a lot of time.

5. Another interesting question : why do we need the poll everytime ?.
Instead do a accept, and if there's no request available, accept would
return EWOULDBLOCK. For a benchmark, accept would *never* return
EWOULDBLOCK, and for a normal server, it's okay - because the server is


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Greg Ames [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:05 AM
>Subject: Re: gettimeofday calls
>Greg Ames wrote:
>> Bill Stoddard wrote:
>>>  Why not use mod_file_cache? 
>> On my wimpy 200MHz server, the SPEC file_set contains 5760 files and 
>> uses .8G of disk.  On more modern servers, the size of the 
>file_set goes 
>> up in proportion to the number of conforming connections you hope to 
>> push thru it, so figure 57,600 files and 8G of space on a 
>2GHz server.  
>> 8G isn't going to fit into one process's virtual memory on a 
>> caching 57,600 fd's is going to be a challenge too, as I 
>think Madhu is 
>> finding out.
>One way to make this easier might be to cache as many of the 
>smaller files in 
>memory as will reasonably fit, then caching the file 
>descriptors for the 
>remaining files.  If that still isn't practical, you could 
>fagettabout caching 
>the very biggest files since they will take a long time to 
>serve no matter what.
>On the hypothetical 2GHz server, if I cached all the class0_* 
>thru class2_* 
>(smallest) files in memory, that would eat about .8G per 
>process, leaving 14,400 
>larger class3_* files to deal with somehow.
>A disadvantage of caching in memory might be higher CPU usage 
>from copying + 
>checksumming data from user space to NIC buffers vs. using 
>sendfile.  That 
>probably doesn't matter for really tiny files.

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