> > 1. most modern day os'es cache the files, and not do a disk io for
> > single file request. (duh !!.)
> yep.  Yesterday I powered up wimp for the first time in ages and did
> mini-SPECweb experimental run in preparation for fiddling with the
stat() in
> mod_specweb99.  I got really horrible results at first and couldn't
figure out
> what was wrong.  It turned out that I just needed to warm up the
kernel's disk
> cache more.  The results got 50% better after an hour or so.

When our specweb guys were whacking Zeus they would first run a
program that would walk the file set to try and fill up the cache.
This made a big difference with Zeus, but I never saw much of a
change, but then again I was shooting for a much lower specweb.


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