> Does anybody know if the mod_specweb99.c been 'blessed' by the SPEC
> committee ?..I mean, have they acknowledged that the module acts in a SPEC
> compliant manner?

As far as I am aware, the module has not been used for benchmarks submitted
to the SPEC organization. That is the moment any code would get 'blessed':
SPEC validates the results and the way they were obtained and the
benchmarkee submits the API source code as part of this process.

> I had a doubt regarding executing CGI scripts in SPECweb99 - somebody here
> told me that the SPEC mandates the web server to fork a child process to
> execute a CGI script - is that so ?.

This is the case for Dynamic CGI GET requests. You set a special URL for
this in your rc file. All other dynamic requests can be processed by
in-process code and most if not all submittors have written code for this.


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