1. The documentation is pretty lacking. Granted, it was bad in Apache::test, too, but I sure would like to see some decent pod in each of the important Apache::Test* modules.

agreed. resources you may find useful (if you haven't seen them already):


there is also some good information in the README

3. Those of us porting from Apache::test typically have a special configuration file (now nicely able to be t/lib/extra.conf.in -- thanks!) and loads up the libraries we want to test. However, Apache isn't being started during `make test` with C<use blib>. Now, since tests run from t, even it it did C<use blib>, it wouldn't work. So I had to add this code to my extra.conf.in:

  use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir);
  use lib catdir '@ServerRoot@', '..', 'blib';
  use lib catdir '@ServerRoot@', '..', 'lib';

for the most part, Apache-Test does the right thing. the only exception I've noticed is for modules that use XS or otherwise need to be preloaded. the solution for this is to to use t/conf/extra.last.conf.in in place of t/conf/extra.conf.in. this allows Apache-Test to set the proper blib (via PerlRequre) before including modules from your configuration. even if you don't use XS, this may solve your problem.

you can also extend libraries, etc, via t/conf/modperl_extra.pl



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