2) We have a problem with Apache::Test running as root, since when Apache "sudoes" into 'nobody' it can't access files under /root or some other root owned dir. The current cvs version already tries to tell the user about the problem before starting to run the test suite.

I've use A::T to test a SOAP server that runs as root, which means the tests need to be run as root as well.

the way I handled this was to add the following to my TEST.PL

  # override root blocks
  local *Apache::TestConfig::default_user = sub { return 'root' };
  local *Apache::TestConfig::default_group = sub { return 'root' };

  # and that nasty chown stuff
  local *Apache::TestRun::adjust_t_perms = sub { 1 };

which worked very well.

now, I'm not suggesting TEST.PL changes as a fix, but couldn't we do something similar behind the scenes if the user is running as root?

Currently the only solution that was suggested is to copy t/ into /tmp and run the tests from there and then cleanup. T



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