Christopher H. Laco wrote:
Either way if you find how to use A-T to handle cookies or fix it to do so, it's be handy to add a new A-T tests (in addition to existing ones in Apache-Test/t/) so we don't break this feature in the future, which is easily possible sans having a test.

Plus it'll be great to have this documented... if you don't have the time to send a proper patch, feel free to send some blurb+example(s) here and I'll adopt it for the docs.

Assuming Michaels solution works: Apache::TestRequest::user_agent( cookie_jar => {});

Are we looking for something more official to the actual Test::Request API; a new method, better parameters, etc; or is the above just good enough for a little mention?

I'd suggest to start with just a test and a little mention. Later on if we get people unhappy with this solution, we can make it a method...

really the new A-T development is triggered by demand of those who use and develop it, so if you use A-T and you need a new feature, feel free to send a patch including code+docs+test and chances are that it'll just go in. And if you have lots of those and you send decent patches, it's easy to become a committer :)

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