On Monday, Aug 30, 2004, at 17:57 America/Chicago, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:

"Christopher" == Christopher Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I believe I found the answer to the problem.  I checked my $PATH
and found that it was being reset with a source command in my
.login file (which is run after the .cshrc file).  This
eliminated the following paths from my $PATH


Without this last line in the PATH, I previously cd'ed to the
powerpc-apple-darwin-current directory to issue the "texconfig
init" command.  Perhaps this caused something in that directory
to be loaded instead of what should have been loaded.  Once I
corrected the PATH problem I was able to issue the "texconfig
init" command from my home directory and now here is the new
corresponding portion of the texconfig.log.

Yes, this was the problem.

Thanks for the reply. I just read an article titled "In the Beginning was the Cammand Line" by Neal Stephenson and in it appeared the line about Unix: "Unix.. is not so much a product as it is a painstakingly compiled oral history.... It is our Gilgamesh epic." It appears that the same might be true about TeX! :-) I appreciate your relaying your own experience with entering commands from within the texmf (or bin) tree. The whole thing makes much more sense to me now.

While having the current directory at the front of tex's search path
is reasonable, it is quite dangerous to have it in the $PATH.

Are you saying that I shouldn't have the '/usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current' directory in my PATH? I must be misunderstanding you; without it there I don't know how I would issue the texconfig command without prefixing the 'powerpc' directory onto the command.

To be more precise, plain.tex is read *while* texinfo.ini is read.
An opening brace means opening a file and a closing brace means
closing a file.  A simplified version of your log file looks like:

(cp8bit.tcx) (texinfo.ini (plain.tex) (texinfo.tex))

Very useful nugget of information to have...thanks.

There is something in your first logfile I do not understand:

This is TeXk, Version 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.2) (INITEX)  16 AUG 2004
 %&-line parsing enabled.
! Undefined control sequence.

plain.tex should have been loaded before texinfo.tex. Did you remove something from the log?

No...but this is not the log, it is what appeared on the terminal screen while running the texconfig command. In the log file there appears the following which supports your assertions:

This is TeXk, Version 3.141592 (Web2C 7.5.2) (INITEX)  30 AUG 2004 23:47
 %&-line parsing enabled.
Preloading the plain format: codes, registers,
[stuff deleted]
Missing character: There is no <FE> in font cmr10!
Missing character: There is no <ED> in font cmr10!
Missing character: There is no <FA> in font cmr10!
Missing character: There is no <CE> in font cmr10!
Missing character: There is no ^^85 in font cmr10!

! Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>

Much thanks again,


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