
On Wed, 2 May 2001, Joost Kremers wrote:

> i used to write my documents on win95 with miktex and winedt.
> miktex has the ability to put source specials in the dvi file,
> and yap (miktex's dvi previewer) and winedt are fully equipped
> to make use of this, so that you can perform forward and inverse
> searches on the latex and dvi files.

Me too, I had the same problem when switching from miktex to tetex.

> i always found this very useful, but i haven't been able to find
> out if teTeX provides the same functionality, and if so, whether
> i can use it from within emacs. so does it? and can i?

At the moment, it is not possible to make use of the source specials
with tetex the way you do it in miktex. But you can use source
specials with tetex. I'm using it for some time now, on redhat6.2
with the latest tetex-beta and XEmacs.

Just have a look at


For "reverse search" you will need a number of things:

* the package srcltx.sty (or srctex.sty) with
  \usepackage[active]{srcltx} ...

* a new version of xdvi or a beta version of xdvik
  (I'm using the latter).

See the README file from Stefan Ulrich's site for details
(configuration ...). There is some information on forward search,
too. But this seems to be a little more complicated to use.

I feel that there is increasing demand for source specials in tetex.
Thomas, do you see a chance that this will be integrated in one of
the future versions of tetex?



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