hi all,

> I do understand;  and I find that it was a question deserving a better
> answer.  I am only sorry I cannot go into details because I'm just a
> normal user myself.
> The answer is no, you can't do that:  the dvi previewer distributed with
> tetex (xdvi) has no mechanism of that sort.  

well, aparently the latest version of xdvi does have this fuctionality. i 
followed the link that torsten zech gave on this list in response to my 
question, and after a couple of hours of fiddling, i got it to work! i now 
have forward _and_ inverse search with emacs/xdvi. if anyone would like some 
tips, just let me know, and i can tell them what i had to do. (this included 
fixing a bug in the lisp-code for forward search...) 

there are still two things i don't understand, though. when i do an inverse 
search, emacs tells me "when done with a buffer, type C-x #". i have no idea 
what that is for. and if i do a forward search, xdvi has to be running. 
somehow the call to xdvi does not manage to start up a new instance of xdvi. 
i know this has nothing to do with tetex (so it shouldn't be on this list) 
but is there anyone who can shed some light on this?



Joost Kremers, M.A.

University of Nijmegen
Department of Languages and Cultures of the Middle-East

PO Box 9103
6500 HD Nijmegen
tel: 024-3612996
fax: 024-3611972


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