>On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 10:24:56PM +0200, Michael Hallgren wrote:
>> Hrm,.. I'm thinking of buying a MacOSX box. Am I wrong in my
>> that a \approx vanilla teTeX would compile and work? Interesting to know
>> whether or not I'd be able to follow "bleeding edge" with ease.
>a *beta* teTeX, not what is theoretically the current release.
>the real new release should be sometime soon. I'd not be
>surprised if it shipped with Mac OSX binaries.
>I do believe it compilers fairly vanilla-ly, _if_ you
>have installed all the right tools :-}

Cool. Recently having some time to play, having been shipped off my
employer in the wave of .net death ;) (And, with Next in the history tracks,
be nice to give OSX a shot..)

>there are plenty of Mac OSX teX setup instructions on the web anyway.
>search for "texshop".

Is the GUI?

Thanks, Sebastian


>Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
>13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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