On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Richard Sperling wrote:

> I apologize if this issue has already been dealt with, but I did search
> online and didn't find an answer. I'm using the 10/13/02 teTeX beta and
> I've got purchased type1 fonts that I wish to use with latex and
> pdf(la)tex. The vendor supplied two map files that (obviously?) differ
> slightly: one for dvips and one for pdftex. If I add both of these map
> files using updmap, will this create a problem in the sense that the
> last map file added overwrites the first map file? I wouldn't think
> duplicate entries in the map files would present a problem, but I want
> to make sure. Thanks for your help.

You will get warning messages for the duplicate entries in a map file.
If an entry already exists, any later entry is ignored.

I find the current map file mechanism problematic, especially when using
non-std fonts, because you can't tell from the TeX source what fonts are
really being used. With pdftex you get new primitives to load map files.
ConTeXt makes heavy use of this facility, and I find it very helpful.
Rather than just a log entry for pdftex.map you get to see the names of
the individual map files.

Are you sure you want to make .dvi files?

George N. White III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  tel: 902.426.8509
  Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia, Canada (TZ=AST4ADT)

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