>>>>> "Staszek" == Staszek Wawrykiewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > It seems somehow strange. Why both map files differ? As I
    > understand the whole mechanism, different map files for dvips
    > and pdftex are only needed when we use fonts from the standard
    > set for PostScript devices (35 Laser Writer fonts) or for .pdf
    > files (Acrobat Reader has 14 builtin fonts, a subset of
    > 35LW). For all other fonts the map files should be the same:
    > both PS and PDF output should have font programs (pfb)
    > downloaded, so map files should contain, e.g.  
    > tfmname <Internal-PS-name [<encoding-eventually] <file.pfb

In pdftex.map the internal PS /FontName should be omitted.  If you
include an external PDF file which, say, uses the font
/Palatino-Roman, the current version of pdfTeX tries to substitute the
font.  It looks in pdftex.map for Palatino-Roman, but it does not
check whether the font is transformed and might fetch the wrong one.

Maybe this will be fixed in the future.

dvips neeeds the PS /FontName.  It doesnt need it to find or load the
font but to tell the PS interpreter to use it.

So, at the moment we need two different map files.


Reinhard Kotucha                                     Phone: +49-511-27060390
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