Hello all,
Actually in my experience it is not generally the case that you can put font
files just anywhere in the TEX file tree(s). While this is more or less the
case for many file types, my version of TeX (MikTeX) looks, for example, for
*.tfm files only in ..\texmf\fonts\tfm\ and in ..\localtexmf\fonts\tfm\. If
it doesn't find them there, it doesn't find them. I went through the
experience of finding this out when I tried to install the converted version
of a true-type font specially developed for our school.

That said, I don't particularly remember having to specially install the
fonts when I installed MusiXTeX. Probably they either came with my TeX
distribution or were all generated automatically on the fly.

In any case it's not such an endeavor to put tfm files in a tfm directory,
type1 files in the type1 directory, etc., or to create the folder
corresponding to a missing file type (if for example the vf folder were
missing, as it was for me).


> > .sty, .cls or .fd: $TEXMF/tex/latex/<package>/
> > .dvi, .ps or .pdf: $TEXMF/doc/latex/<package>/
> > .tfm:  $TEXMF/fonts/tfm/<supplier>/<font>/
> > .vf:   $TEXMF/fonts/vf/<supplier>/<font>/
> > .afm:  $TEXMF/fonts/afm/<supplier>/<font>/
> > .pfb:  $TEXMF/fonts/type1/<supplier>/<font>/
> > .ttf:  $TEXMF/fonts/truetype/<supplier>/<font>/
> First of all: "musictex" is an old version of "musixtex". If you don't
> have special reasons for doing else you should install the latter.
> To your question: In principle you are free to put these packages anywhere
> you want, if it is inside TeX's file tree (or trees). But making
> subdirectories helps to keep order with the endless number of files coming
> with TeX and it's macro packages.

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