> I do apologize because this list is about musixtex, not opustex... 
> but i could not find a similar list on opustex, which seems to be a 
> rather undeveloped project. In fact, I normally use the musixtex 
> "family" (pmx, mtx), but when I write gregorian Chant I prefer 
> Father Beda's package "opusgre", unfortunately suitable only to be 
> used with opustex. 
> End of apology. Now the question.
> I have no problem running opusgre, but if I try to use it with the 
> standard font and input instructions that I use all the time:
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
> this message stops the compilation:
> OPUSGREgorian 0.84 <1998/01/25>
> kpathsea: Running mktextfm  ecr12

sigh.  this reflects the rather feeble font-matching hack that used to
be used in musictex (and may still exist in musixtex -- i've never

the problem is a silly guess on what font names to use, based on what
\rm "actually" means in surrounding text.  it's based on the
assumption that font names are either cm*, dm* or dc* (i don't know
what dm* fonts were, but the use of dc* was targetted at the first
ever release of what are now the ec* fonts).

i have a hacked musicnft.tex to which you're welcome: you could use it
to patch around this behaviour.
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