I'm a french new user of Chris Walshaw's abc2mtex preprocessor for
Taupin's version of musixtex.

I just tryed to print my 100-pages-traditionnal-tune-collection, and I
realized that the layout size doesn't fit my 'a4' printer (or rather the
paper I put in it). 

I've learned a little TeX (with difficulty) so I hope it's possible to
reduce the global layout size (\smallmusicsize doesn't do anything good
to solve my problem). 
I fear I'll have to look at some latex : every little thing related to
'a4' was found in the latex documentation and FAQ -something like
french.sty, ... and the 'a4' package-.

I've found no clue in the musixtexdoc, so I hope someone can help me.
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