On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 16:09:34 +0100 (CET), Christof Biebricher

>The type K ties and slurs cannot be directly
>pdftexed, you have to convert the ps file into pdf by ps2pdf.
>I believe that you may also use ghostscript for doing that, but
>I always used ps2pdf.

Hmmm. I don't use pdftex; I've always used dvipdfm to generate such
PDFs as I need. And this procedure results in a file with all ties
missing both on screen and on paper.

However, your mention of Ghostscript has just saved my bacon. I've now
used dvips to generate a postscript file and then converted that to
PDF in GSView, and lo and behold, all the ties are both visible and
printable in Acrobat 5!

Thank you, Christof. I urgently need to get this file back to the
composer of the piece (who's never heard of TeX and can't use a DVI
file), and it wouldn't have been much use with no ties anywhere in

As for ps2pdf, there appears to be no such animal in my MiKTeX
installation; however, Ghostscript/GSView contains a few batch files
called ps2pdf*.bat. Is this the thing you mean, or is there a separate
TeX-related utility of the same name? If so, can you point me to a
precompiled version of the same for Windows, please? 

Thanks again, and best regards

Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
"People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
the only secret of style." 
        --- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and 
            Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
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