Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:

> I wish to append some comments in two languages, two columns, at
> the end of a MusiXTeX document.

> I know how to do this in LaTeX (see the attached example), but
> AFAIK, you have to "speak" TeX instead of LaTeX to add significant
> text to a MusiXTeX file.

> Does anybody know how to "translate" the attached LaTeX file into
> TeX ?

André Van Ryckeghem already provided the code to attach text to the
PMX-generated musixtex-code; perhaps this will help to create the
two-column look:

In essence, the \parbox[t] in LaTeX boils down to a \vtop TeX
primitive. This is the same as a \vbox, except that its baseline
lines up with the topmost line in the box instead of the bottom

    \vtop{\strut\hsize=6cm Since Coulonnus was an expert in ancient
    music he would have played bars 120 and ff like this and
    \vtop{\strut\hsize=6cm Comme Coulonnus \'etait un expert en
    musique ancienne il aurait jou\'e les mesures 120 et suivantes
    comme ceci et blablabla et en Francais le texte est plus long et

You might also consider going the other way round and include the
PMX-generated code in a LaTeX document. You have post-process the
PMX-output though, like stripping the \bye command and some other
contructs. I don't have the script I use for that purpose at hand
now, but I can look it up at home if you're interested.

Arjen Bax
TeX-music mailing list

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