Dear MusixTex Experts,

I include several short pieces of music in a larger LaTeX file, each one
with \startpiece .... \stoppiece. This works well except for one
nasty feature: the command '\setclef8' produces an additional number
"000" in front of the first line, and the whole line ist shifted by
the corresponding space to the right. With '\setclef16', there is not
such a problem.

I have noticed also all kind of strange effects when the commands
'\generalmeter', '\generalsignature' and '\setclef' are not put in the
right order.

Has anybody noticed the same problem and knows how to solve it?

Gerhard Eber
Dr. Gerhard Eber                Phone +49-721-5161450
Software Department             FAX   +49-721-5161480
Bruker Biospin GmbH             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
D-76287 Rheinstetten            Am Silberstreifen

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