On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Bernhard Lang wrote:

> Nevertheless this gives often rise to confusion, since less informed
> people often tend to interpret text slurs in vocal music as something
> halfway between phrasing (or even worse "legato") and pure text (melisma)
> syntax. At least in ancient music there is nothing comparable to the later
> legato. The only term bein quite close "ligature" means retard. Thus, I
> have decided not to use any slurs for melismas in vocal music, even if
> that is against common typesetting rules. To my opinion "- - -" and "____"
> is syntactually clear enough and also easy enough to read. Of course, this
> is a personal choice.
Old music scores where each voice has its own stave should contain neither
slurs nor ties. There are unnecessary. Slurs originated in string music
where the notation really made sense. It later was introduced to other instrumental
music as `imitatio violistica'.

In later music, I usually omit melismatic slurs, but since
the bar is fixed, one has to use ties.
> > Furthermore prepmx must be able to
> > distinct between vocal and instrumental contexts within one score.
> I think, using the same syntax for things, behaving differently on
> different context, is not a good idea. Why not having one thing for text
> and one for slurs? A no-text-brace may then or may not generate
> automatically a corresponding slur.
I am also not convinced that we need it. Unfortunately we cannot change
the fact that phrasing slurs, legato slurs and melisma slurs are now
indistinguishable. As Bernhard mentioned, even some practical
musicians are not aware of it, although I admit that a phrasing slur
means in most cases also a legato slur.


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