On Fri, 5 Dec 2003, Christian Mondrup wrote:

> 2.
> One of my purposes with typesetting the Laub Ritornelles is to test
> M-Tx/PMX features not relevant to early music which is my main typesetting
> interest. Among the problems I've encountered is that vertical and
> horizontal fine tuning of PMX ornaments such as staccato dots isn't fine
> grained enough for my needs. The ritornel 'Søde Narcisse' published today
> illustrates that, for example in bar 4 where I have vertically offset the
> RH staccato dots to positions above and below the beams. The PMX syntax
> allows fractionwise vertical offset, but typesetting result demonstrates
> that fraction values are rounded to integers before being applied. That
> prevents me from achieving equal distances between dots and beam.
> Furthermore pmxab accepts additional staccato dot horizontal offset
> arguments (eg. 'o.+2+.5'). But since I may enter arbitrary horizontal
> offset values without seing any visual effect I suppose they're simply
> ignored. That prevents me from aligning staccato dots with stems as I would
> like to do:-(
I do not fully understand why staccato dots should be aligned with the stems
rather than the notes. That way the upper-row dots in bar 4 would not align
with the lower row dots which would look odd to me. If you want equal vertical
distances you could enforce horizontal beams.
It might not look so good, but I would
use for voices that jump staves only upper dots for the upper voice and lower
dots for the lower voice to make clear the logics. I admit that the number
of voices changes; nevertheless one can distinguish an upper and a lower line.
As you have done with the voices that should only apply for the section where
it occurs, not for the whole piece.

We talk really about fine cosmetics: with newer music I buy in the store
for outraging prices, I would be happy to get scores of the quality of your


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