I'd like to change the default text fonts used in MusiXTeX from the standard Computer Modern (cm) to Adobe AGaramond (pad). Until now, I have created special macros for each font needed (title, lyrics, footer, composer and so on) and call them with inline TeX in PMX.

I guess there must be a more general approach. I have tried to understand the MusixTeX source code, but that code seem to be a clever selection of the optimal font to use (cm, ec or dc) whith no easy change to a PostScript font conforming to three letter names.

Maybe some of you TeX-perts with knowlegde of MusixTeX (and PMX, of course; since I mainly use PMX, i could also do my "font interventions" in pmx.tex, in case PMX redefines fonts used by MusixTeX) can give me a piece of advice?


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