Hello Stefan,

How about this?


This changes default text font into Times-Roman (ptmr).
I don't know what is the font Adobe AGaramond, however, 
replacing 'ptmr7t', 'ptmb7t', 'ptmri7t' into appropriate TFM names
will do.

In PMX source, there is two way to include some extension packages.
(a) direct coding
1 1 4 4 0 6  0 0 0 4 20 0

\\input musixtmr\ 
c24d s s2u c44 s zc7 s2

(b) assume editing foo.pmx: prepare a file foo.mod containing 
following line:
\input musixtmr 

Best regards,


Stefan Björk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to change the default text fonts used in MusiXTeX from the 
> standard Computer Modern (cm) to Adobe AGaramond (pad). Until now, I have 
> created special macros for each font needed (title, lyrics, footer, 
> composer and so on) and call them with inline TeX in PMX.
> I guess there must be a more general approach. I have tried to understand 
> the MusixTeX source code, but that code seem to be a clever selection of 
> the optimal font to use (cm, ec or dc) whith no easy change to a 
> PostScript font conforming to three letter names.
> Maybe some of you TeX-perts with knowlegde of MusixTeX (and PMX, of 
> course; since I mainly use PMX, i could also do my "font interventions" in 
> pmx.tex, in case PMX redefines fonts used by MusixTeX) can give me a piece 
> of advice?
> Stefan
> -- 
> Tja, jag äter, fixar saker och sover här och där.
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