Don Simons wrote:
Sorry, I can't reproduce the error, and line 143 in pmxab is a comment line.
This may be
caused by a dimension problem my Windows version is insensitive to. Can
anyone provide any clearer debug info?

I can reproduce the problem on a Redhat 7.3 linux pc. That is, when I process the sample pmx source with the 'official' pmx release 2.501 compiled with g77. Contrarily a binary compiled with f2c processes the pmx source succesfully.

When I process the pmx source with the most recent pmx bugfix release 2.506 compiled with g77 I still get the warning

>  Last non-blank character is "", not "/,%"
>  ASCII code: 191

as long as there is at least one newline character after the last line in the pmx source. If I remove the newline character I see no warning.
There is no warning and no error when I process the pmx source with pmx 2.506 compiled with f2c, regardless of trailing newline charaters.

Hence my advice is

- upgrade to pmx 2.506 and compile with either g77 (straightforward) or f2c (a little more complicated, see

- recompile your current pmx version with f2c.

That being said there remains the question on why pmx behaves differently under linux depending on compiling method.

Christian Mondrup, Sheet Music Editor
Werner Icking Music Archive
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