Christian Mondrup wrote:
Don Simons wrote:

Sorry, I can't reproduce the error, and line 143 in pmxab is a comment line.
This may be
caused by a dimension problem my Windows version is insensitive to. Can
anyone provide any clearer debug info?

I can reproduce the problem on a Redhat 7.3 linux pc. That is, when I process the sample pmx source with the 'official' pmx release 2.501 compiled with g77. Contrarily a binary compiled with f2c processes the pmx source succesfully.

When I process the pmx source with the most recent pmx bugfix release 2.506 compiled with g77 I still get the warning

I can reproduce the error similarily on a Redhat Fedora Core 2 pc when processing the sample source with pmxab 2.501..

Furthermore, on the Fedora pc a pmx 2.506 binary compiled with g77 fails with a segmentation fault if there are trailing newline characters in the pmx source. If I remove the newline characters pmxab fails with an error

 nsyst,ibarcnt: 1 0
 There are more systems than bars.

regardless of compiling method and pmxab version.
Christian Mondrup, Sheet Music Editor
Werner Icking Music Archive
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