I've just uploaded a new beta version to
http://icking-music-archive.org/software/pmx/pmx2511.zip .

There are two minor changes to the code from version 2.510:

1. As a result of a request from Christian Mondrup, I removed the
prohibition against MIDI tempo changes while recording MIDI macros. I
couldn't remember why I put the restriction there in the first place, unless
it was to protect users from assuming that the tempo would be restored after
the macro finished playing (and to protect me from having to alter the
coding to make that happen). Now you may change the tempo inside a macro,
but when the macro is finished playing, the tempo will not change again
unless you do it explicitly.

2. In version 2.507 I made some code changes to get the lengths of xtuplet
brackets to be extended to account for inserted anti-collision spaces within
the xtuplet. Those changes introduced a bug that I noticed in bar 7 of
barsant.pmx where an accidental crash did occur. I think I've fixed that.
I'm a little surprised no one else ever noticed this bug.

Apart from this, I also changed the PMX source for barsant.pmx by including
"Apl" to make the line-breaking ties look better.

--Don Simons

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