Dirk Laurie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bernhard Lang skryf:
> > If you have many few bars long music lines to embed "TeX capacity 
> > exceeded" can become an issue 
> On any TeX system that has a texmf.cnf file this is no problem.
> You simply edit that file to increase TeX capacity.
> Multiply stack sizes by 10

but be careful not to exceed absolute limits, which are described in the
file itself.  i imagine tex will simply refuse to start if you get the
numbers wrong, but it could be confusing if you've gone ahead "blindly"
(as it were).

>  --- your modern computer has
> a lot of RAM and the original TeX sizes date back to
> the days of 8-bit machines.

the original tex sizes date back before then: tex was developed on a
pdp-10 (later decsystem 20) mainframe in the days when memory was
counted in words (of 36 bits, in this case).  i would be surprised if
the machine in question had more than a few mbytes (equivalent) for
support of the whole department.  (in this department, my personal
machine, with 1gbyte memory, is way behind what new users get.)

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