Am Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2007 16:39 schrieb Don Simons:
> I've just realized that there is a way to allow MIDI 128th notes without
> PMX completely choking. But the resulting MIDI file will be flawed.  The
> fundamental quantum of MIDI time is a "MIDI tic" which PMX defines once and
> for all as 1/15 of a 64th note or 1/120 or a quarter note. Since that makes
> a 128th note equal to 7.5 tics, which is not an integer, there's a problem
> right away. But that's not the reason PMX was choking. Rather, it's because
> PMX puts in a fixed-length gap at the end of every note, subtracting the
> gap from the length of the note. The default is 10 tics, which is 2/3 of a
> 64th, but longer than a 128th, so the logic was breaking down. You can
> forestall the locigal problem by shortening the gap to something less than
> 7.5. The command is e.g. Ig5 . With that the code will run. But for one
> thing, you're stuck with that tinier gap at the end of every note. (I
> haven't tested whether you can change it on the fly.) And for another
> thing, a flaw now comes about because a 128th cannot be represented
> exactly. As things now stand, PMX will always round 7.5 in the same
> direction. So if there are more 128ths in one voice than the others, they
> will get out of phase. Here's an example where you can hear that things get
> out of whack at the end:

Hi Don,

Ig5 solves my problem, thanks for your reply


> =====================================
> 2 2 2 4 2 4 0 0
> 1 5 20 0
> bt
> .\
> Ig5
> b43 d /
> g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a /
> b43 d /
> g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a /
> b43 d /
> g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a /
> b43 d /
> g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a /
> d24 d d d /
> f24 f f f /
> ======================================
> If there were the same number of 128th in each voice, then they would come
> back together:
> ======================================
> 2 2 2 4 2 4 0 0
> 1 5 20 0
> bt
> .\
> Ig5
> b43 d /
> g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a /
> b43 d /
> g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a /
> g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a /
> b43 d /
> g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a g84d g1x8 a b c d c b a /
> b43 d /
> d24 d d d /
> f24 f f f /
> =======================================
> At this point someone might be wondering if the quantum problem comes up in
> more mundane situations with xtuplets, and the answer is well, sort of,
> depending on your definition of mundane.  Since a quarter note is 120 tics,
> you can divide it evenly by 2,3,4,5, or 6, but not 7. I anticipated this
> one, and tried to build special logic for just that case (quarter-note
> septuplets) to keep them lined up. If that works the way it should, you
> won't get the quantum disconnect until you divide a quarter by 9. That one
> will not be fixed.
> --Don Simons
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Hermann
> > Hinsch
> > Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:12 AM
> > To: Werner Icking Music Archive
> > Subject: Re: [TeX-Music] 128th notes within PMX
> >
> > Am Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007 16:48 schrieb Christian Mondrup:
> > > Don Simons wrote:
> > > > The error appears to be caused by trying to make a MIDI file. It's
> > > > not likely I'll fix it any time soon, as it would require major
> >
> > revision of
> >
> > > > the MIDI timing scheme. If you can live without MIDI 128th notes, you
> > > > could make a separate version of the pmx file for the MIDI.
> >
> > They should
> >
> > > > otherwise compile OK.
> > >
> > > Rather than maintaining different versions of the pmx file the ABC
> > > preprocessor abcpp can be used for branching between MIDI and score
> > > compilation within a single file. See the introduction to abcpp in the
> > > tips and tricks section,
> > >
> >
> > Hi Christian,
> >
> > I will try this possibility later because I think that it will
> > take some time
> > to study this feature.
> >
> > Hermann
> >
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