Filipe de Moraes Paiva <> wrote:

> I think I've started reading this subject not from the beginning. But just
> for the record, I always used Latex for scientific documents (for more
> than 20 years) and recently (about 5 years ago) I started using latex
> together with musixtex and everything works fine for me. I never used PMX
> and I type musixtex commands directly into my latex file with no problem.
> Basically I write lectures about musical instruments with lots of text and
> some musical pieces of one or two lines and also whole pieces of one or
> two pages.

which tallies with my findings.

i, likewise, only use musixtex to create odd snippets in other
documents.  last i did it, there was a conflict with font selection (i
don't know if it's still there) but it was trivial to resolve.

incidentally, has anyone done any work on using music-xml with musixtex?
-- my wife is a teacher, and produces all her compositions/arrangements
with sibelius[*], which is finally now capable of xml output.

it would (imo) be handy to be able to print her output in my tex-based
environment.  is anyone looking at a conversion?

(mostly quiet on this list since i seldom have any issues)

[*] i know, i know -- but it's a lost cause: she had been using sib for
*ages* before we met again in 1999.
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