To Bob, Jean-Pierre, and anyone else who may be following this thread:

Because a PMX input file at its core represents the music without reference
to page layout, it was fairly straightforward to write a separate code,
scor2prt, that reads in the PMX input file for a score and spits out PMX
input files for the separate parts. Then when any of these files is
processed by PMX, the code does all the work of defining the appropriate
horizontal spacings. Once the PMX file for a simple score is assembled, no
user intervention is required at all...just run scor2prt, then run PMX,
MusiXTeX, ...  on each of the files scor2prt created. Of course sometimes
some tweaking of the part layouts is desired, and for that purpose the score
file can contain commands (either PMX or MusiXTeX) that get passed into the
part files; but even here, only one file needs to be maintained by the user.

While some typesetters may find this approach distasteful, it has never
failed me. It does not preclude using any of MusiXTeX's capabilities that I
know of, it allows me to correct most input errors once and for all in just
one place, and I for one will never ever need to resort to manually
assembling separate TeX files for parts.

--Don Simons

> -----Original Message-----
> From: TeX-Music [] On Behalf Of Jean-
> Pierre Coulon
> Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2014 7:43 AM
> To: Werner Icking Music Archive
> Subject: Re: [Tex-music] parts from scores
> In 2005 musixdoc.pdf said:
> > Another question is: can I write an orchestral score and extract the
> > separate scores for individual instruments?
> > Since T.108, the answer is nearly 99%
> I gave up trying to understand this chapter and I wrote my own program. It
> splits the \notes line into smaller sections between the "&". It tries to
> the right \NOTes or \notes for each section according to the note
durations it
> finds there.
> It is certainly imperfect but I would be happy to try it on a working
> score. See the limits in my text file.
> Bye,
> Jean-Pierre Coulon

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