Since Pete brought up the stream crawl in Powell's Cave and my dive that 
connected it to Neel's Cave, I'll mention my experience in that crawl. No one 
had been through it in about 15 years. Randy Waters and I approached it from 
the downstream side. We'd been in the cave nearly 21 hours. We had had entered 
through Neel's, made the connection through seven sumps, including hacking our 
way through roots while underwater as Pete mentioned. We planned to exit 
through Powell's. We slogged our way upstream to where breakdown blocked the 
passage. We'd never been in this part of the cave but knew from the map to look 
for "Pete's Crawl" on the left side. The only option was low and grabby. We had 
our doubts but all of the water was coming from there and we couldn't find any 
other route.

Low and grabby didn't normally bother us. Neither did limited air space, as we 
proclaimed that "air space is for wimps!" But we were each carrying a scuba 
tank, plus we each had a cave pack and ammo box stuffed with diving and survey 
gear. We knew all that stuff would make "low and grabby" a real pain. We didn't 
realize how much of a pain until we started in. Have you ever been hit in the 
face with a scuba tank? Pulling the gear through didn't work. It caught on 
everything and it was impossible to turn around and unhook it against the 
current. The only real option was to push it ahead against the current, which 
also created a dam that would periodically slip the gear out of our hands and 
slam it into our faces.

Eventually we got the hang of it and reduced the frequency of facial battery, 
and came out completely spent on other side. There was still a short slog 
upstream, then up The Crevice Passage, then up into the guano-covered maze and 
to the crawl at the bottom of the entrance pit. We made what was probably the 
last ascent up the old fence that hung down the 8-m deep pit, but left the gear 
in the crawl below. After hiking back to the van, we drove off and found Mark 
Minton and a few other cavers working at another nearby cave and they helped us 
retrieve the gear.

I love caving!

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