If memory serves me correctly, former Texas caver Phillip Rykwalder (I may
have butchered the last name) helped film the show. Suppose to be quite

"I'm gonna go sit by Mixon"

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 6:25 PM, caverarch <cavera...@aol.com> wrote:

> New York caver and author Chris Nicola reports that " 'No Place On
> Earth', the documentary about the Holocaust era cave survival story
> featured in my book, the Secret of Priest's Grotto, is currently scheduled
> to air on the History Channel on Saturday, April 26th. Details can be found
> at the following site:"
> http://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwtv/article/History-to-Debut-Gripping-Documentary-NO-PLACE-ON-EARTH-426-20140402#.Uz1u8KO3OTk
> Roger G. Moore

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